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Engelbertz, C., Marschall, U., Feld, J., Makowski, L., Lange, S. A., Freisinger, E., Greß, J., Breithardt, G., Faldum, A., Reinecke, H. & Köppe, J. (2024). Apixaban, edoxaban and rivaroxaban but notdabigatran are associated with higher mortalitycompared to vitamin-K antagonists: A retrospectiveGerman claims data analysis Journal of Internal Medicine, 2024, 0, S. 1–15.
Lange, U., Hertle, D., Wende, D. (2024). Wie der soziale Status den Zugang zur Hebammenversorgung beeinflusst. Thieme – Hebamme, 2024, 37(04), S. 47–52.
Schäfers, R., Hertle, D. (2024). Beratung als Bestandteil der Schwangerenvorsorge. Thieme – Hebamme, 2024, 37(04), S. 20-25.
Schäfers, R., Wende, D., Hertle, D. (2024).  Ultraschall- und CTG Kontrollen in der Schwangerschaft: Vorgaben in den Mutterschafts-Richtlinien und Versorgungswirklichkeit. Thieme – Gesundheitsökonomie & Qualitätsmanagement.
Kruse, J., Kampling, H., Bouami, S. F., Grobe, T. G., Hartmann, M., Jedamzik, J., Marschall, U., Szecsenyi, J., Werner, S., Wild, B., Zara, S., Heuft, G., Friederich, H.-C. & das ES-RiP-Konsortium (2024). Ambulante psychotherapeutische Versorgung in Deutschland: Evaluation der Strukturreform. Deutsches Ärzteblatt international 2024; 121: 315–322.
Rößler, M., Schulte, C., Bobeth, C., Wende, D. & Karagiannidis, C. (2024). Hospital admissions following emergency medical services in Germany: analysis of 2 million hospital cases in 2022 Krankenhausaufnahmen nach Rettungsmitteln in Deutschland: Analyse von 2 Mio. Krankenhausfällen im Jahr 2022.
Lübcke, J., Peters, F., Acar, L., Marschall, U. & Behrendt, C.-A. (2024). Short Term Outcomes and Treatment Intensity of Major Cardiovascular Emergencies During the SARS-CoV2 Pandemic in Germany. European Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Fischer, A. J., Hellmann, A. R., Diller, G.-P., Maser, M., Szardenings, C., Marschall, U., Bauer, U., Baumgartner, H., Lammers, A. E. (2024). Impact of COVID-19 Infections among Unvaccinated Patients with Congenital Heart Disease: Results of a Nationwide Analysis in the First Phase of the Pandemic. J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13, 1282.
Lappe, V., Grandt, D., Marschall, U. & Schubert, I. (2024). Opioid Prescribing for Noncancer Patients – Issues of Drug Therapy Safety: Results from a German Study Based on Routine Data. Pharmacoepidemiology 2024, 3(1), S. 94–102.
Tesch, F., Ehm, F., Loser, F. L., Vivirito, A., Wende, D., Batram, M., Bechmann, L., Buschmann, T., Menzer, S., Ludwig, M., Roessler, M., Seifert, M., Margolis, G. S., Reitzle, L., König, C., Schulte, C., Hertle, D., Ballesteros, P., Baßler, S., Bertele, B., Bitterer, T., Riederer, C., Sobik, F., Scheidt-Nave, C. & Schmitt, J. (2024).  Post-viral symptoms and conditions are more frequent in COVID-19 than influenza, but not more persistent. Research Square (preprint).
Barlinn, K., Langezaal, L. C.M., Dippel, D. W.J., van Zwam, W. H., Roessler, M., Roos, Y. B.W.E.M., Emmer, B. J., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Gerber, J. C., Yoo, A. J., Pontes-Neto, O. M., Mazighi, M., Audebert, H. J., Michel, P., Schonewille, W. J., Puetz, V. & BASICS Study Group (2023). Early Intubation in Endovascular Therapy for Basilar Artery Occlusion: A Post Hoc Analysis of the BASICS Trial. Stroke.
Bauer, N. H., Hertle, D. & Schumacher, L. (2023). Digitale Hebammenbetreuung in der COVID-19-Pandemie in Deutschland – Akzeptanz bei Müttern [Digital midwifery care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany-acceptance of mothers]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz, S. 1–10.
Cremer-Schaeffer, P., Hennig, B., Schmidt-Wolf, G., Marschall, U., Petzke, F. & Häuser, W. (2023). Prescriptions of cannabinoid drugs, 2019–2022 – a comparison of data from the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices and the BARMER health insurance fund. Deutsches Ärzteblatt international 2023; 120: 186–7.
Ditscheid, B., Meissner, F., Gebel, C., Hennig, B., Marschall, U., Meißner, W., Wedding, U. & Freytag, A. (2023). Inanspruchnahme von Palliativversorgung am Lebensende in Deutschland: zeitlicher Verlauf (2016–2019) und regionale Variabilität [Utilization of palliative care at the end of life in Germany: temporal trend (2016-2019) and regional variability] Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz, 66(4), S. 432–442.
Freytag, A., Meissner, F., Krause, M., Lehmann, T., Jansky, M. K., Marschall, U., Schmid, A., Schneider, N., Vollmar, H. C., Wedding, U. & Ditscheid, B. (2023). Ergebnisqualität und Kosten der allgemeinen und spezialisierten Palliativversorgung in Deutschland im regionalen Vergleich: eine GKV-Routinedatenstudie [A regional comparison of outcomes quality and costs of general and specialized palliative care in Germany: a claims data analysis]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz.
Hennig, B., Schmidt-Wolf, G., Cristinziani, A., Cremer-Schaeffer, P., Marschall, U., Petzke, F. & Häuser, W. (2023). High-cost and high-dose prescriptions of cannabis-based medicines – a comparison of data from BARMER and the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM). Dtsch Arztebl Int 2023; 120: 813–4.
Hertle, D. & Wende, D. (2023). Hebammen-Versorgung in Deutschland: Der Hebammenkompass stellt Daten in Form von interaktiven Grafiken bereit. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Hebammenwissenschaft 12/2023 (2), S. 20–25.
Hertle, D., Bopp, K., Pfingsten, A., Schmitt, N. & Wende, D. (2023). Verordnungsverhalten und Entscheidungsfindung in der Physiotherapie – Was läuft schief? Rahmenbedingungen und empirische Analyse der Physiotherapieverordnungen bei Rückenschmerzen. Gesundheits- und Sozialpolitik, 77(4-5), 95–101.
Hertle, D., Schumacher, L., Schmitt, N., Wende, D. & Bauer, N. H. (2023). Digital midwifery care in the pandemic: Rapid implementation and good acceptance. GMS Zeitschrift für Hebammenwissenschaft, 10.
Hertle, D., Wende, D. & Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. zu (2023). Aufsuchende Wochenbettbetreuung: Die sozioökonomische Lage hat einen starken Einfluss auf den Betreuungsumfang. Eine Analyse mit Routinedaten der BARMER. [Postpartum Care by Midwives: Socioeconomic Status has a Strong Influence on the Amount of Care Received. An Analysis with Routine Data from BARMER Health Insurance]. Gesundheitswesen.
Hertle, D., Wende, D. & zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Hohenstein, F. (2023). Wenig Einkommen – keine Hebamme. Hebammenforum 7/2023; 24: S. 32–35. HF_2023_07_Hebarbeit_digital_DHertle.pdf
Hertle, D., Wende, D. & Schmitt, N. (2023). Mutterschafts-Richtlinien: Delegationsvorbehalt gestrichen. Deutsche Hebammen Zeitschrift. 75 (7), S. 78–80., S. 1–10.
Hertle, D., Wende, D. & Schmitt, N. (2023). G-BA stellt klar: Interdisziplinäre Schwangerenvorsorge auf Augenhöhe ist möglich. Gesundheits- und Sozialpolitik, 77 (3), 51–53.
Heubner, L., Oertel, R., Tiebel, O., Mehlig-Warnecke, N., Beyer-Westendorf, J., Roessler, M., Renner, B. & Spieth, P. M. (2023). Monitoring of argatroban in critically ill patients: a prospective study comparing aPTT, point-of-care viscoelastic testing with ecarin clotting time and dTT to mass spectrometry. Anesthesiology.
Jacob, J., Tesch, F., Wende, D., Batram, M., Loser, F., Weidinger, O., Rößler, M., Seifert, M., Risch, L., Nagel, O., König, C., Jucknewitz, R., Treskova-Schwarzbach, M., Hertle, D., Scholz, S., Stern, S., Ballesteros, P., Baßler, S., Bertele, B., Repschläger, U., Richter, N., Riederer, C., Sobik, F., Schramm, A., Schulte, C., Walker, J. & Schmitt, J. (2023). Development of a risk score to identify patients at high risk for a severe course of COVID-19. Journal of Public Health, 22, 43.
Maier, C. F., Schölch, C., Zhu, L., Mboulla Nzomo, M., L'Hoest, H., Marschall, U., Reißfelder, C. & Schölch, S. (2023). Weekday-dependent long-term outcomes in gastrointestinal cancer surgery: a German population-based retrospective cohort study. International Journal of Surgery (London, England), 109(10), 3126–3136.
Rickels, E., Steudel, W.-I., Repschläger, U., Schulte, C., Weissgärber, H. & Wende, D. (2023). The Long-Term Sequelae of Traumatic Brain Injury over 10 Years of Follow-Up – a Matched Cohort Study Based on Routine Data of a German Statutory Health Insurance Carrier. Deutsches Ärzteblatt International, 2023; 120: 2071–6.
Roessler, M., Schulte, C., Repschläger, U., Hertle, D. & Wende, D. (2023). Multilevel Quality Indicators: Methodology and Monte Carlo Evidence. Medical Care.
Schmitt, J., Ehm, F., Vivirito, A., Wende, D., Batram, M., Loser, F., Menzer, S., Ludwig, M., Roessler, M., Seifert, M., König, C., Schulte, C., Buschmann, T., Hertle, D., Ballesteros, P., Baßler, S., Bertele, B., Bitterer, T., Riederer, C., Sobik, F., Kind, B., Abraham, S. & Tesch, F. (2023). Large cohort study shows increased risk of developing atopic dermatitis after COVID-19 disease. Allergy – European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Wiley Online Library.
Schoene, D., Freigang, N., Trabitzsch, A., Pleul, K., Kaiser, D. P. O., Roessler, M., Winzer, S., Hugo, C., Günther, A., Puetz, V. & Barlinn, K. (2023). Identification of patients at high risk for brain death using an automated digital screening tool: a prospective diagnostic accuracy study. Journal of Neurology.
Tesch, F., Ehm, F., Vivirito, A., Wende, D., Batram, M., Loser, F., Menzer, S., Jacob, J., Rößler, M., Seifert, M., Kind, B., König, C., Schulte, C., Buschmann, T., Hertle, D., Ballesteros, P., Baßler, S., Bertele, B., Bitterer, T., Riederer, C., Sobik, F., Reitzle, L., Scheidt-Nave, C. & Schmitt, J. (2023). Incident autoimmune diseases in association with a SARS-CoV-2 infection: a matched cohort study. Clin Rheumatol (2023).
Aleshchenko, E., Swart, E., Spix, C., Voigt, M., Trocchi, P., Langer, T., Calaminus, G., Baust, K., Glogner, J., Ihle, P., Küpper-Nybelen, J., Lüpkes, C., Kloppe, T., Horenkamp-Sonntag, D., Meier, I., Marschall, U., Dröge, P., Klein, M., Weiss, A. & Apfelbacher, C. (2022). Long-term care, care needs and wellbeing of individuals after cancer in childhood or adolescence (VersKiK): study protocol of a large scale multi-methods non-interventional study. BMC Health Services Research volume 22, 1176 (2022).
Diers, J., Acar, L., Wagner, J.C., Baum, P., Hankir, M., Flemming, S., Kastner, C., Germer, C.-T., L'hoest, H., Marschall, U., Lock, J.F. & Wiegering, A. (2022). Cancer diagnosis is one quarter lower than the expected cancer incidence in the first year of COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: A retrospective register-based cohort study. Cancer communications (London, England).
Erdur, H., Weber, J. E., Angermaier, A., Kinze, S., Sotoodeh, A., Gorski, C., Bollweg, K., Ernst, S., Kandil, F. I., Behrens, J., Ganeshan, R., Keysers, A., Kotlarz-Böttcher, M., Peters, D., Schlemm, L., Stangenberg-Gliss, K., Witt, C., Hennig, B., Reber, K. C., Schneider, U., Franke, C., Schmehl, I., Straub, H.-B., Flöel, A., Theen, S., Endres, M., Kurth, T. & Audebert, H. J. (2022). A Managed Care System with Telemedicine Support for Neurological Emergencies. Annals of Neurology.
Hertle, D., Wende, D., Schumacher, L. & Bauer, N. H. (2022). Midwives’ and women’s views on digital midwifery care in Germany: results from an online survey. Midwifery 155 (2022).
Hertle, D., Schumacher, L., Schmitt, N., Wende, D. & Bauer, Nicola H. (2022). Digitale Hebammenbetreuung in der Pandemie: schnelle Umsetzung und gute Akzeptanz. Zeitschrift für Hebammenwissenschaft, 10/2022 (1), S. 16–21.
Pawlitzki, M., Acar, L., Masanneck, L., Willison, A., Regner-Nelke, L., Nelke, C., L'Hoest, H., Marschall, U., Schmidt, J., Meuth, S. G. & Ruck, T. (2022). Myositis in Germany: epidemiological insights over 15 years from 2005 to 2019. Neurological Research and Practice, 4(1), S. 62.
Peters, F., Kuchenbecker, J., Acar, L., Marschall, U., L’Hoest, H., Lareyre, F., Spanos, K. & Behrendt, C.-A. (2022). Antithrombotic Treatment Patterns of Patients with Symptomatic Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease in Germany: Evidence from Health Insurance Claims Data. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2022, 11(18), 5455.
Raedel, M., Priess, H.-W., Wagner, Y., Armann, J., Bohm, S., Hertel, S., Marschall, U., Berner, R. & Walter, M. (2022). Associations of early childhood medication exposure and molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH): A routine data analysis. Journal of Dentistry, 126, S. 104315.
Rößler, M., Tesch, F., Batram, M., Jacob, J., Loser, F., Weidinger, O., Wende, D., Vivirito, A., Toepfner, N., Ehm, F., Seifert, M., Nagel, O., König, C., Jucknewitz, R., Armann, J. P., Berner, R., Treskova-Schwarzbach, M., Hertle, D., Scholz, S., Stern, S., Ballesteros, P., Baßler, S., Bertele, B., Repschläger, U., Richter, N., Riederer, C., Sobik, F., Schramm, A., Schulte, C., Wieler, L., Walker, J., Scheidt-Nave, C. & Schmitt, J. (2022). Post-COVID-19-associated morbidity in children, adolescents, and adults: A matched cohort study including more than 157,000 individuals with COVID-19 in Germany. PLOS Medicine, 19(11), S. e1004122.
Acar, L., Peters, F., Marschall, U., L’Hoest, H., Twine, Ch. & Behrendt, Ch.-A. (2021). Increased Pulmonary Embolism Incidence and Mortality in Patients Subsequently Diagnosed with COVID-19: An Analysis of Health Insurance Claims Data. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2021.
Albrecht, K., Marschall, U. & Callhoff, J. (2021). Verordnung von Schmerzmitteln bei Patienten mit rheumatischen Erkrankungen in Deutschland: Eine Analyse von Abrechnungsdaten [Prescription of analgesics in patients with rheumatic diseases in Germany: A claims data analysis. German version]. Zeitschrift fur Rheumatologie.
Albrecht, K., Redeker, I., Aringer, M., Marschall, U., Strangfeld, A. & Callhoff, J. (2021). Comorbidity and healthcare utilisation in persons with incident systemic lupus erythematosus followed for 3 years after diagnosis: analysis of a claims data cohort. Lupus Science & Medicine 2021;8:e000526.
Bauer, Nicola H. & Schlömann, Luisa (2021). Digitale Hebammenbetreuung im Kontext der Covid-19- Pandemie. Ein Kooperationsprojekt zwischen der BARMER, dem Deutschen Hebammenverband e. V. und der Hochschule für Gesundheit Bochum.
Blaschke, K., Fischer-Betz, R., Marschall, U., Dombrowsky, W., Joeres, L., Heidbrede, T. & Schubert, I.  (2021). Treatment Patterns and Resource Utilization of Pregnant Women with Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases or Psoriasis in Germany: A Claims Database Analysis. Rheumatology and Therapy 2021.
Diers, J., Acar, L., Baum, P., Flemming, S., Kastner, C., Germer, C.-T., L'Hoest, H., Marschall, U., Lock, J. F. & Wiegering, A. (2021). Fewer Operations for Cancer in Germany During the First Wave of COVID-19 in 2020 – A Cohort Study and Time-Series Analysis. Deutsches Ärzteblatt International, 118 (27–28), 481–482.
Faqar-Uz-Zaman, S. F., Filmann, N., Mahkovic, D., Wagner, M. von, Detemble, C., Kippke, U., Marschall, U., Anantharajah, L., Baumartz, P., Sobotta, P., Bechstein, W. O. & Schnitzbauer, A. A. (2021). Study protocol for a prospective, double-blinded, observational study investigating the diagnostic accuracy of an app-based diagnostic health care application in an emergency room setting: the eRadaR trial. BMJ Open, 11(1), S. e041396.
Heidemann, F., Kuchenbecker, J., Peters, F., Kotov, A., Marschall, U., L’hoest, H., Acar, L., Ramkumar, N., Goodney, P., Debus, E. S., Rother, U. & Behrendt, C.-A. (2021). A health insurance claims analysis on the impact of female sex on long-term outcomes after peripheral endovascular interventions for symptomatic peripheral arterial occlusive disease. Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Hertle, D., Wende, D. & Schmitt, N. (2021). Schwangerschaftsvorsorge im Spannungsfeld der Berufsgruppen. Ein Plädoyer für Kooperation auf Augenhöhe und eine selbstbestimmte Schwangerschaftsbegleitung. Gesundheits- und Sozialpolitik (G&S), Jahrgang 75 (2), S. 60–63.
Hertle, D., Lange, U. & Wende, D. (2021). Schwangerenversorgung und Zugang zur Hebamme nach sozialem Status: Eine Analyse mit Routinedaten der BARMER. Healthcare in Pregnancy and Access to Midwives according to Socio-Economic Situation: An Analysis with Routine Data from BARMER Health Insurance. Das Gesundheitswesen (eFirst).
Köhler, F., Acar, L., van den Berg, A., Flemming, S., Kastner, C., Müller, S., Diers, J., Germer, C.-T., Lock, J. F., L’hoest, H., Marschall, U. & Wiegering, A. (2021). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on appendicitis treatment in Germany – a population-based analysis. Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery.
Polzin, A., Dannenberg, L., Helten, C., Pöhl, M., Metzen, D., Mourikis, P., Dücker, C., Marschall, U., L'Hoest, H., Hennig, B., Zako, S., Trojovsky, K., Petzold, T., Jung, C., Levkau, B., Zeus, T., Schrör, K., Hohlfeld, T. & Kelm, M. (2021). Excess Mortality in Aspirin and Dipyrone (Metamizole) Co-Medicated in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease: A Nationwide Study. Journal of the American Heart Association, 10(22), e022299.
Rößler, M., Jacob, J.,Risch, L., Tesch, F., Enders, D., Wende, D., Jucknewitz, R., Weidinger, O., Batram, M., Ballesteros, P., Baßler, S., Hertle, D., Repschläger, U., Richter, N., Schulte, C., Schramm, A., Sobik, F., Treskova-Schwarzbach, M., Scholz. S., Schmitt, J. & Walker, J. (2021). Hierarchisierung von Risikofaktoren für schwere COVID-19-Erkrankungsverläufe im Kontext der COVID-19-Schutzimpfungen – Eine gepoolte GKV-Routinedatenanalyse basierend auf 30 Mio. Versicherten. Epid Bull 2021;19:3-12.
Rößler, M., Tesch, F., Batram, M., Jacob, J., Loser, F., Weidinger, O., Wende, D., Vivirito, A., Toepfner, N., Seifert, M., Nagel, O., König, C., Jucknewitz, R., Armann, J. P., Berner, R., Treskova-Schwarzbach, M., Hertle, D., Scholz, S., Stern, S., Ballesteros, P., Baßler, S., Bertele, B., Repschläger, U., Richter, N., Riederer, C., Sobik, F., Schramm, A., Schulte, C., Wieler, L., Walker, J., Scheidt-Nave, C. & Schmitt, J. (2021). Post COVID-19 in children, adolescents, and adults: results of a matched cohort study including more than 150,000 individuals with COVID-19.
Schröder, H., Repschläger, U. & Walker, J. (2021). Daten bündeln gegen Corona. Gesundheit und Gesellschaft Digital (, 05/2021.
Wende, D., Hertle, D., Schulte, C., Ballesteros, P. & Repschläger, U. (2021). Optimising the impact of COVID-19 vaccination on mortality and hospitalisations using an individual additive risk measuring approach based on a risk adjustment scheme. The European Journal of Health Economics 2021.
Aarabi, G., Raedel, M., Kreutzburg, T., Hischke, S., Debus, E. S., Marschall, U., Seedorf, U. & Behrendt, C.-A. (2020). Periodontal treatment and peripheral arterial disease severity – a retrospective analysis of health insurance claims data. VASA. Zeitschrift Fur Gefasskrankheiten, 49(2), S. 128–132.
Adrion, C., Weiss, B., Paul, N., Berger, E., Busse, R., Marschall, U., Caumanns, J., Rosseau, S., Mansmann, U. & Spies, C. (2020). Enhanced Recovery after Intensive Care (ERIC): study protocol for a German stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a critical care telehealth program on process quality and functional outcomes. BMJ Open, 10(9), S. e036096.
Albrecht, K., Dörner, T., Redeker, I., Karberg, K., Marschall, U., Zink, A. & Callhoff, J. (2020). Comorbidity and health care utilisation in persons with Sjögren's syndrome: a claims data analysis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 79(Suppl 1), S. 517.3-518.
Behrendt, C.-A., Schwaneberg, T., Hischke, S., Müller, T., Petersen, T., Marschall, U., Debus, S. & Kriston, L. (2020). Datenschutzkonforme Validierung von Routinedaten – Die IDOMENEO Methode. Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband Der Arzte Des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany)), 82(S 02), S. S94-S100.
Callhoff, J., Albrecht, K., Redeker, I., Lange, T., Goronzy, J., Günther, K.-P., Zink, A., Schmitt, J., Saam, J. & Postler, A. (2020). Disease Burden of Patients With Osteoarthritis: Results of a Cross-Sectional Survey Linked to Claims Data. Arthritis Care & Research, 72(2), S. 193–200.
Callhoff, J., Jacobs, H., Albrecht, K., Saam, J., Zink, A. & Hoffmann, F. (2020). Factors Associated with Survey Non-Response in a Cross-Sectional Survey of Persons with an Axial Spondyloarthritis or Osteoarthritis Claims Diagnosis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(24).
Diller, G.-P., Enders, D., Lammers, A. E., Orwat, S., Schmidt, R., Radke, R. M., Gerss, J., Torres Alba, F. de, Kaleschke, G., Bauer, U. M., Marschall, U. & Baumgartner, H. (2020). Mortality and morbidity in patients with congenital heart disease hospitalised for viral pneumonia. Heart (British Cardiac Society).
Ditscheid, B., Krause, M., Lehmann, T., Stichling, K., Jansky, M., Nauck, F., Wedding, U., Schneider, W., Marschall, U., Meißner, W. & Freytag, A. (2020). Palliativversorgung am Lebensende in Deutschland: Inanspruchnahme und regionale Verteilung [Palliative care at the end of life in Germany: Utilization and regional distribution]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz, 63(12), S. 1502–1510.
Freisinger, E., Gerß, J., Makowski, L., Marschall, U., Reinecke, H., Baumgartner, H., Koeppe, J. & Diller, G.-P. (2020). Current use and safety of novel oral anticoagulants in adults with congenital heart disease: results of a nationwide analysis including more than 44 000 patients. European Heart Journal, 41(43), S. 4168–4177.
Freisinger, E., Koeppe, J., Gerss, J., Goerlich, D., Malyar, N. M., Marschall, U., Faldum, A. & Reinecke, H. (2020). Mortality after use of paclitaxel-based devices in peripheral arteries: a real-world safety analysis. European Heart Journal, 41(38), S. 3732–3739.
Heidemann, F., Peters, F., Kuchenbecker, J., Kreutzburg, T., Sedrakyan, A., Marschall, U., L’hoest, H., Debus, E. S. & Behrendt, C.-A. (2020). Long Term Outcomes After Revascularisations Below the Knee with Paclitaxel Coated Devices: A Propensity Score Matched Cohort Analysis. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery: the Official Journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery, 60(4), S. 549–558.
Jacobs, H., Callhoff, J., Albrecht, K., Postler, A., Saam, J., Lange, T., Goronzy, J., Günther, K.-P. & Hoffmann, F. (2020). Use of physiotherapy in patients with osteoarthritis in Germany – an analysis of a linkage of claims and survey data (from the PROCLAIR project). Arthritis Care & Research.
Kaiser, U., Petzke, F., Nagel, B., Marschall, U., Casser, H.-R., Isenberg, T., Kohlmann, T. & Lindena, G. (2020). Evaluation eines frühen interdisziplinären multimodalen Assessments für Patienten mit Schmerzen: Protokoll einer randomisierten kontrollierten Studie (PAIN2020). Schmerz (Berlin, Germany) [Evaluation of an early interdisciplinary multimodal assessment for patients with pain: Protocol of a randomized controlled study (PAIN2020)].
Kaschwich, M., Peters, F., Hischke, S., Rieß, H. C., Gansel, M., Marschall, U., L’hoest, H., Heidemann, F., Debus, E. S., Acar, L., Kreutzburg, T. & Behrendt, C.-A. (2020). Long-term incidence of cancer after index treatment for symptomatic peripheral arterial disease – a health insurance claims data analysis. VASA. Zeitschrift Fur Gefasskrankheiten, 49(6), S. 493–499.
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